A job description is a document that contains a detailed description of the duties of a particular position, as well as the rights, responsibilities, qualification requirements and possible forms of incentives for work.
Why is it so important for a manager?
To begin with, a manager is a broad specialization. Depending on the specifics of the organization and department, the manager’s responsibilities may vary greatly:
Collection and analysis of customer feedback.
Often these functions overlap, and without a clear azerbaijan phone number list description of responsibilities, confusion can arise. A job description helps avoid confusion. When a manager has specific functions, he can calmly focus on his tasks. The director, in turn, also relies on this document to know what to expect from the employee.
With a document such as a job description, both parties – the employee and the manager – can establish effective interaction and avoid misunderstandings and conflicts at work.
The concept of “labor function” mentioned in Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation may sometimes not be detailed enough to describe hye yeong executive director all aspects of an employee’s activities.
For a more complete description, a job description is used. This document helps to explain in detail what is expected of an employee at his job. Therefore, a job description should be compiled and executed very carefully.
Job Description Structure
The legislation does not provide precise instructions on how to draw up a job description. Thanks to this, employers can freely adjust the document to their singapore lead needs. Many organizations prefer to use ready-made templates rather than write them from scratch. Typically, a job description includes five sections.
In large companies, employers often add additional sections to job descriptions. This is done to make the document as accurate and useful as possible. The following points are usually included.