While listening to the radio on long winter evenings may be a thing of the past, the spoken word is making a comeback. If you’re looking for an effective way to absorb the latest marketing insights, give podcasts a try.
We can certainly agree that self-education is Give marketing podcasts one of the most powerful weapons we have, and time is the most precious commodity that is not worth wasting. Now imagine a tool that allows you to use both effectively. Podcasts have experienced a boom in the Czech Republic in recent years , and it can be expected that their popularity will continue to grow, not only domestically.
It pays to be in the know.
Podcasts are a great source of information if you want a regular stream of news from almost any field that interests you. You can play the created audio posts on your chosen platform and listen to them whenever you feel like it . Much has been written about music and its therapeutic effects, but did you know that the spoken word also has a beneficial effect on our psyche and effectively quiets the mind? Those who listen to the spoken word regularly speak of this format only in superlatives. So what’s so great about them?
Good luck with your productivity Give marketing podcasts
During the day, you do many activities that could be considered unproductive. You wait at the doctor’s office, in line at the grocery store, you travel, iron clothes, and so on. One of the undeniable advantages of podcasts is that once you create a routine out of listening to them (just like listening to music), you can fill all these “dead” spots with them. You will become more productive because you will start to omnichannel experiences use your time more efficiently. At the same time, you will deepen your professional knowledge and thus increase your qualifications in the job market.
Did you know that… if you commute at least 30 minutes to school or work every morning and make listening to a podcast part of your daily routine, you can listen to bosnia and herzegovina leads the same amount of information in 3 years as if you studied a bachelor’s degree or read dozens of (even professional) books in a month.
Doesn’t even a chicken get free?
Effective use of time, lots of new information and lots of fun. Podcasts combine several advantages, thanks to which they have quickly become a popular format. Another indisputable advantage is that they are free . At least for now. Plus, be sure that no matter what topic you think of, someone before you has probably already said something nice about it in a podcast.
Treat yourself to (not only) a marketing boost
The great diversity of podcasts and the rich range of diverse topics is also made possible by the fact that their creation and subsequent distribution are not at all complicated. There are podcasts about gardening, cooking, sports, books, but also content focused on relationships and sex. Humans are simply curious creatures, and in this case a similar rule applies as with books, that a good podcast will always find its reader divided by its listener . The growing popularity of this format in the country is also evidenced by the Podcast of the Year competition. Its aim is to show the most interesting Czech formats. Do you know who won last year?
What should you put in your ears?
If you’re hungry for marketing news, it can be a chore to stay up to date. The people who create podcasts have done the hard work for you. They’ve spent hours researching, sourcing interesting information, and finding the best guests to bring you the most important and interesting . You can listen to your favorite podcasts through various apps, such as Overcast and Pocket Casts. The Apple Podcasts has all of their recordings available in the Podcasts app, but you can also listen on Spotify. Once you’ve chosen the content that’s closest to your heart, press the Subscribe button. Each new episode will automatically download, so you’ll be sure to never miss a thing.
Technological gadgets are great, but without proper content they are as useless as a sled on a hill without snow. Each podcast created is specific, just like its author. So what shows are the most popular in Czech marketing circles ?