Share of Google and Seznam search engines on the Czech Internet

After a year, we have once again prepared an the Czech Internet infographic mapping the share of search engines Google and Seznam on the Czech Internet. How is the Czech phenomenon Seznam doing at the beginning of 2021? Is the gradual decline in its search share continuing? You can find out all about it in our infographic.

Trends in Czech search

The Seznam search engine had a dominant position on the Czech Internet in the early days of its creation, i.e. in 1996 and in the following years. It had practically no competition in search.

Interestingly, in 2002 it also included the Google search engine in its search, for the purpose of searching for results “search in the world”. However, after a short time, it ended the cooperation.

In 2009, it partnered with Microsoft’s Bing search engine for these “foreign results.” Seznam’s efforts to constantly improve and refine its search were unquestionable at the beginning of the millennium.

According to the data we processed the Czech Internet

Seznam held the majority share of the Czech Internet until 2014 , which is an admirable period considering that Google came to the Czech Republic in 2006. The Czech Republic, along with a few other countries, has become a rarity when a local search engine has resisted the predatory pike called Google for a longer period of time.

However, Google has been increasing its share every year since 2014. In addition to its many times greater superiority in terms of the number of developers and overall background, its main competitive advantage is the additional services that most of us already use automatically and, above all, for free in our daily lives – Gmail, YouTube, Google Drive, Maps, Meet and many other services.

The current share at the beginning of 2021 is 85:15 in favor of Google . As you can see in the graphic below, the scissors between the search engines have opened up a little more again.


Google + List vs. other search engines

Before interpreting the results, it is important to cayman islands phone number library mention that other search engines also have a small market share – Bing, Yandex and Yahoo, a total of 3%. We will not take them into account in our reports and will only compare Google and Seznam.


What data do we track?

We monitor data quarterly , since the beginning product trials. a popular subscription of 2014. We are only interested in unpaid (organic) visits from search engines , we do not take into account paid visits from advertising systems.

  • total share of attendance from all facilities,
  • share of traffic from desktops,
  • share of traffic from mobile phones,
  • share of traffic from tablets,
  • share of traffic from all mobile devices.

Sample data the Czech Internet

We use the websites of more than 100 of our agency clients as a sample of data. They include websites from various industries (banks, insurance companies, comparison sites, large and small e-shops, content websites) and of various sizes.

We consider the number of websites to bosnia and herzegovina leads be representative, however, the results may be influenced by some factors, such as:

  • client websites:
    • different target groups,
    • competitive environment,
    • the composition and intensity of individual marketing activities of clients,
    • unevenness of the websites’ industry impact;
  • search engine updates launched during the monitored period;
  • the status of onpage and offpage factors of individual websites at the beginning and during the monitored period;
  • (SEO) activities carried out on the given websites during the monitored period;
  • the goals that individual websites pursue and their settings, or changes to them.

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