The 4 to 5 P’s of Marketing

The 4P model was The 4 to 5 P’s of Marketing missing a very important factor: the human one!

P eople: precisely, people.

When we talk about people, who are we referring to? 

By the term People we include:

  • the people who are part of the company (administrators, managers, company owners and essentially all those who work within the company itself);
  • people outside the company , i.e. current and potential customers, users who visit the website, etc.

What is the role of people in this context?

They are fundamental malta phone number library because they introduce the concept of Emotion , factors that can make the customer live a valuable experience, that strikes them deeply. It is about empathizing with people and to do this you need to know their values, their needs and their desires. Only in this way will it be possible to adopt a strategy that hits the mark! People will be attracted to the Brand because they are driven by the emotions and vibrations it arouses.

The 7Ps of Marketing Mix

To the 4 levers analyzed Significance of Innovation Design in Growing Companies above, the following 3 have been added, arriving at the 7p of marketing:

  • People who identify the target. It is extremely important to identify your target audience appropriately and to know how to communicate with your customers or potential customers by drawing on all the marketing and web marketing tools. In particular, it is possible to identify many characteristics of our target thanks to targeted remarketing and lead nurturing actions .
  • Business process (process). Being able to optimize the organization of a company allows to reduce expenses and increase the quality of the services offered. It is about optimizing the sales funnel, with the final goal of increasing customer satisfaction.
  • Perception (tangible proof). This point is of fundamental importance, because it tells us how the user perceives the service provided or the product sold. It is no coincidence that people, before making a purchase, look for reviews and testimonials to have “proof” of the quality of the service itself. In these terms, the physical environment in which a service is offered takes on particular importance, but also the ux on a website.

The 4 C’s of Marketing Mix

In 1990 there was a further evolution that shifted the focus from the company to the customer. Here then was the birth of the 4Cs of the marketing mix thanks to Robert Lauterborn.

Here they are listed:

  • Consumer , the beb directory person who purchases the product or service.
  • Cost incurred by the customer for the purchase
  • Convenience i.e. distribution through the internet
  • Communication between the company and the customer, identifies the interaction

Now that the focus is on the customer, two more key points have been added: content and community .

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