Break your Marketing paradigms

Break your Marketing paradigms: I don’t usually like to talk about crises, but it is necessary to reinforce that it is necessary to have a stance and implement different actions to overcome this moment that we are experiencing, betting on differentiated strategies such as Inbound Marketing gain extra momentum and find new ways to differentiate yourself from the competition and attract new business.

“A crisis is a chance for you to show

Your worth when almost everything around you is losing value.” Abílio Diniz
Inbound Marketing is a way to stay closer to your leads and ahead of your competitors, but at a lower cost. According to the Viver de Blog website, Inbound Marketing is 62% cheaper than traditional marketing. Furthermore, leads from this type of strategy are 60% cheaper than those attracted through conventional techniques.

The secret is that traditional marketing

Is based on communication on TV and print media, which have high production, placement and CPM costs, while Inbound Marketing uses greece telegram data digital channels, which not only guarantees lower production and placement costs, but also allows your company to prioritize its investments through careful audience segmentation. You spend less to actually speak to your potential consumer.

In addition to this cost issue

Inbound Marketing reinvents the this is our reliance on ourselves relationship between your company and your consumer, through a more and attractive approach. Traditional marketing focuses on making an immediate sale to the consumer without really worrying about whether that was really the solution to their problem – which may not lead to a repurchase of the product or service. With Inbound Marketing, your company can actually understand what your consumer wants and needs, based on the way they behave on search engines, how they react on social media and on the company’s own website or blog. It is even possible to anticipate the of this audience, providing solutions to problems that they may not even have realized they have.

In this scenario, while the traditional model

Simply promotes a product or service and beb directory waits for the customer to come to it, Inbound Marketing offers solutions to the real problems of its audience in a personalized and natural way, in the midst of their routine. In other words, the company helps its audience understand their problem and possible solutions. In this way, the company creates bonds, seeking and maintaining a relationship between this audience and the brand in an increasingly present way.

Inbound marketing is an ally in the crisis

Marketing Paradigms: How to Break Them?: Analyzing this moment of crisis, Inbound Marketing can be an excellent alternative for companies. Especially if you consider that nowadays people are increasingly immersed in the digital world, updating their social networks at every moment and with their smartphones in their hands all the time.

Creating well-designed content such

As e-books on aspects to the products and services sold by your company, offering educational content through infographics, blog articles and video channels are ways to attract and retain new customers, in addition to strengthening relationships with existing ones.

Inbound Marketing can also be outside the online universe, converging communication between physical and digital environments, engaging the public with options for them to become your customer. According to Google , Brazil alone already has 96 million people online. And 72% of smartphone users access the web every day on their devices.

People are increasingly and

Carry out 82% of the purchasing process independently, according to Consultoria Research, only after this do they seek out a company representative to complete their process and purchasing journey.

Ultimately, the crisis should be as a time to pay attention and analyze your company. It is an opportunity to reevaluate your marketing actions, your sales funnel and your relationship with your audience.

Investing in Inbound

Marketing strategies to revitalize your business and results can be the difference for your company in this difficult time.

Now that you know how to break your Marketing Paradigms, UP2Place offers a free assessment of your company’s Digital Presence and provides you with a report with the GAPs and opportunities, request an assessment and learn how to implement an InBound Marketing strategy.


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