Eliminate email attachments and use Vtiger to share documents seamlessly across your organization

When employees in a company exchange Eliminate email attachments documents with each other. If it isn’t done through a document management system. It’s more than likely done via email or in the form of hard copies. This might happen when a salesperson requests a marketing collateral to help close a deal.Or a customer service associate requests an updated product manual to share with a customer. Unfortunately, this can and often does result in the requester waiting hours to days for the document. And even after they do receive it, the document gets lost in overflowing inboxes or paper bins (fun fact: a whopping 7.5% of paper files become completely missing).

Vtiger solves the most significant challenges associated with managing and sharing documents in an organization. Each Vtiger account gets between 5GB and 25GB of space for direct uploads. This can be extended by syncing directly with popular storage solutions Box. Dropbox and even Google Drive. Once documents are in . Vtiger they display useful metadata such as upload dates and can be organized into relevant folders, searchable internally, linked to contact or sales records, or shared externally with third parties in just a few clicks.

Three main advantages of managing documents within Vtiger :

1. Spend less time searching for documents

Teams using Vtiger for document management spend less time organizing document exchanges. Sales teams no longer have to send marketing requests contact lists for updated marketing materials. Marketing teams no longer have to deal with individual document requests from sales associates. Customer service teams easily find and share product documentation and other information requested by customers. And anyone working with a customer can see contacts and address relevant documents, such as product specifications, front-and-center within a contact record.


2. Make sure you are on the latest version


Vtiger displays metadata such as the last philippines email list modified time of a document and allows you to store version numbers with documents. This way you always know you are working with the right information. If you upload new documents, previous versions are automatically saved for reference.


3. Save time and money spent on creating a separate document management system


Setting up a separate document management system comes with additional setup costs, monthly fees, and other maintenance fees that can run hundreds rick ross net worth to thousands of dollars depending on the number of users. Vtiger lets you manage up to 25GB of documents for free, and for even more space, it integrates with popular file sharing providers like Box, Google Drive, and Google Drive. This also makes it easy to share files with people outside your organization.

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