frequently asked questions about graphic identity

Generally, it is advisable not to exceed 2 main colors. The graphic charter gives the references in hexadecimal (#xxxxx) of the different colors used. On audreytips, red is referenced by #e53b2c. My tip : to know the reference of a color, I advise you to install the ColorZilla extension on your Chrome browser. 2. Typography Again, it is generally advisable not to exceed 2 fonts, one for the body of the text and another for the titles. The typography gives the fonts used, with the size and colors for each heading level. 3. The logo Your logo is simply your brand image.

This is why it must integrate all

The messages you want to convey with the right choice of: The colour, The typography, Drawing. If you’re out of inspiration, here are 7 sites online that offer many variations for your logo . 4. Icons If you use icons, be careful! Indeed, they must be perfectly harmonious with the same colors and in the same style. It is generally advisable to use icons from a complete set. You find some on Dryicons , for example. 5. Buttons and CTAs Always the same rule: no more than 2 or 3 combinations of buttons with particular attention to your call to action buttons (call to action or CTA). Given the importance of CTAs on the conversion rate, at audreytips, we always recommend carrying out an A/B test on these buttons on your landing pages.

Thus, you test several colors or fonts to know Iceland Phone Number List which version generates the most clicks.

It’s always amazing how sometimes small differences get such different results! Here are 6 examples of graphic styles.

Coca Cola is one of the brands whose logo has

phone number list

lasted for decades without having to modify their graphic charter (or very little). The font (admittedly worked) and the color have not changed since 1886! For the record, this logo was created by the accountant of John Pemberton, the famous  DV Leads  pharmacist who created the drink. Obviously with a drink known and recognized worldwide, for more than 100 years, it becomes unthinkable to change the graphic charter! This is why this logo seems timeless to us: it has entered our history! Today we live in another era. Companies are plentiful, competition is fierce… To get out of the game, be creative! Then, the graphic charter of your website is the variation of the style chosen for your logo. Let’s clear the work a bit by defining some popular logo graphic styles:

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