How and where to build, templates and examples

A Gantt chart is a tool for planning and managing projects. It is a graph with actions markd on the horizontal axis and the duration of their execution on the vertical axis.

To put it simply: tasks on the left, their duration on the right. Most often, this tool is usd to visualize the process of working on a project and monitor the progress of all project activities.

The creator of this tool is Henry Gantt, a management specialist. In 1910, he decidd to build a diagram to organize work in production. Later, the tool was namd after him.

What tasks do you ned a Gantt chart for?

The Gantt chart is a common tool for planning large georgia phone number list goals, creating a schdule of work. Gantt charts can be use to create roadmaps. They are need to display large stages of the project, without a detaild list of actions. Examples of roadmaps can be seen in  our article .

The Gantt chart will help in the development of services and software, in the construction and ducational spheres, PR and real estate. It is useful for planning and visualizing sequential tasks, that is, this tool is suitable for the classic project management method – Waterfall.

The Gantt chart is also convenient to use on Agile how to establish effective interaction with the client projects, especially in combination with other tools, such as Kanban boards. You can learn more about what Agile is in our article .

Gantt Chart is suitable for planning and managing personal tasks. For example, it helps to plan the construction of a house, the organization of an event, etc.


How to Create a Gantt Chart

1. Write a list of actions

To build a Gantt chart, you need to make a list of italy numbers project actions at the very beginning. To do this, take the goal and break it down into tasks using decomposition. Decomposition is a method that helps to make a list of understandable small tasks from a large, unclear goal. You can read more about decomposition here.

It is up to you to decide how much to break down your goals. It is important that the end result is a project plan – a list of step-by-step actions that are transferred to the diagram. For example, we need to build a house. The list of actions for this goal will be as follows.

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