A winning strategy could be based, first of all, on the creation of information materials that increase. The value of the proposal and the perception of a reliable brand. One of our clients decided to create a template consisting of a message in which he attached a brochure presenting iceland phone number library the company. The offer Finally, he inserted “request a quote” as a call to action.
The benefits:
- building trust: the template presenting the brand and the offer reassures potential customers, increasing the company’s credibility and reducing uncertainty in accepting the offer;
- enhancement of the offer: the inclusion of an information brochure highlights the advantages of the products/services, distinguishing the company how our customers are using whatsapp through crm4 from the competition and stimulating the interest of users;
- facilitation of contact: the call to action “request a quote” simplifies the decision-making process of users, increasing the probability of converting contacts into actual customers.
Energy and bills: an easy comparison.
Electricity, gas, and telephone service providers often find themselves asking. “how much do you currently spend with your provider?” this seemingly simple question can actually be difficult to answer accurately. Especially when the caller is busy with other activities. In particular, when calling mobile numbers, it is unrealistic. To expect the person to be available to check their bills at that moment.
To address this issue, some of our customers have rich data taken an innovative approach. Sending whatsapp messages via our. Automation service to people the operator has spoken to on the phone. These pre-written messages present the offers and encourage users. To share their bills to compare the rates offered. This method allows users to accurately assess. The differences and be more likely to sign up for a new contract. If the offer is advantageous.
The benefits:
- greater transparency: allowing users to directly compare their bills with the new offers promoted increases the transparency of the process, allowing them to clearly and objectively evaluate the cost differences and the benefits offered;
- Trust in the operator: Making it easy to compare rates and providing users with all the tools they need to make an informed decision helps build trust in the operator. Users appreciate the operator’s transparency and willingness to provide clear and useful information.
Thanks to WhatsApp APIs, outbound call centers can manage customer interactions more efficiently, offering a more personalized and targeted service. WhatsApp integration represents a real step forward towards more effective and customer-oriented communication, helping to boost sales and consolidate the success of your brand in today’s competitive market.