How to measure your content marketing strategies

There are many content marketing strategies, and today with this article I propose to measure their effectiveness in your business.

It is a fact that content marketing is a n How to measure increasingly used strategy within companies.

Brands have realized that the relationship hong kong email list with customers has changed.

It is no longer enough to just sell the product unilaterally; now it is necessary to generate conversation with consumers and offer them something more.

Within this paradigm, we find ourselves in a fast-paced and interconnected world that causes users to have an excess of information and powerful filters that discriminate everything that passes through their screens.

Thus, we see how brands strive to stand out with shareable content that informs and educates their consumers and also entertains them.

It is another strategy within marketing How to measure departments that requires objectives, tactics and metrics.

The main objective is to capture leads the 4 essential points for a winning content strategy and transform them into sales by generating valuable information for the user.

And now comes the million dollar question…

What metrics tell us about the conversions generated by content marketing?

Well, to make this calculation, we only have to focus on three fundamental metrics:

Cost per lead

How much money does it cost to obtain a customer’s data, through a subscription, download form, etc.

Percentage of leads obtained through content marketing actions

This metric allows us to see what school email list percentage of leads we have received through these specific actions, compared to other marketing campaigns.

Content Marketing ROI

It is the metric that will tell you if you are on the right track and have chosen the right strategy, as it shows you the return on investment of your actions.

As we have already defined what we want to measure, now we need to know how we are going to do it.

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