Inbound Marketing: Acquire Have you ever stopped to think about how much your company is wasting on marketing strategies that don’t reach a target audience of potential customers?
In general, many companies end up adopting this type of positioning simply because they want to serve all types of customers and don’t know how to say no to many unqualified leads, or even because they are unaware of the importance of segmenting their ideal audience.
As a result, it spends more than
It should on marketing and gets a small number of customers who in some cases don’t even pay for the investment costs to acquire them.
And this is where every company needs to Inbound Marketing: Acquire know its customer acquisition costs and know how to invest correctly in winning over its audience. Follow the details below and understand more about this subject.
Customer Acquisition Costs
Customer Acquisition Cost, or CAC, as the name suggests, represents how much a company spends to acquire each customer. Calculating it is very simple:
If your company spent, for example, R$1,000 on marketing and this investment brought in 10 customers, then each customer cost R$100.00 (just divide one by the other).
It may seem like a simple calculation
But it is important to remember that this hong kong telegram data total amount includes several other costs. And when a company invests in acquiring the wrong audience, this amount can mean a huge overall loss for the business.
Let’s look at some examples of customer acquisition costs:
Manpower: Marketing analysts, salespeople, leaders cronos (cro) price prediction 2024-2050: will cro reach $100? and many other professionals are to form a team that will win over customers. And in this case, winning over the wrong customers tends to generate a waste of manpower in hiring all these professionals.
Advertising material: Banners, advertisements, institutional videos and other advertisements are the most common ways of doing marketing. But when on customers with no potential to buy, this investment also ends up being.
Time: This is the most precious cost, as it is irrecoverable
In general, companies spend time developing beb directory marketing and sales strategies, training teams, serving prospects, among other activities.
Why qualify leads?
When looking at customer acquisition costs, it may seem obvious how important it is to qualify leads, that is, to separate those who might actually be in your product/service from those who probably won’t do business with your company.
Qualifying leads means establishing
Priorities, as not all leads will become customers and therefore, it is necessary to focus on those that have the most potential to make the most of the investment.
Some advantages of lead qualification are:
Investment focused on those who are really interested in becoming a customer, avoiding waste
Reduction in the Sales Cycle, since the lead is already qualified and knows your company
Possibility of customer loyalty
Less work for the sales team
Best return on CAC
How to find potential customers with Inbound Marketing
There are several ways to qualify leads and probably one of the best options today is through Inbound Marketing , with digital marketing as the main tool.
Through it, you can create content and teach your target audience, making qualified leads make decisions more quickly without requiring so much from the sales team at the time of purchase and consequently reducing the Sales Cycle.
The big difference with Inbound
Marketing is that, through a well-defined strategy, leads come to your company instead of your company trying to find them in the crowd and on channels that are not appropriate for your company.
Some tips for starting lead qualification through Inbound Marketing are:
Define your correct target audience
Have a consistent digital presence through a website, blog and social media
Provide valuable content to your audience
Understand the customer journey
Do good lead nurturing
Have a marketing automation tool
Constantly measure your performance in order to identify the necessary adaptations to increase ROI (Return on Investment).