Very mild on average worldwide
On average worldwide, the average temperature in February 2023 was 0.29 °C above the 1991–2020 average. It was the fifth warmest February in the Copernicus dataset since 1979. Compared to February 2016, the month with the largest positive deviation in the entire dataset, February 2023 was 0.4 °C cooler.
Bar chart showing global monthly temperatures since 1989.
Fig. 2: Global monthly temperature from January 1979 to February 2022, shown as deviation from the 1991−2020 average. The black bars indicate the February months. Source: Copernicus.
The global overview
February 2023 brought above-average temperatures in most parts of northwest Eurasia, as well as in Pakistan and India. India experienced the warmest February since measurements began in 1901. February was also mild in central and northwest Africa and southern South America.
Regions with below-average February values were northern Canada, northeastern Russia, northern South America, and northeastern and southern Africa.
There were marked regional temperature differences in philippines phone number library the United States and Australia. The United States had above-average temperatures in the eastern areas and below-average temperatures in the western areas. In Australia, the western areas were warmer than average, while the northern areas had below-average temperatures.
The air temperature over the oceans
February temperatures were above average over the northeastern North Atlantic, most of the North Pacific, the southwestern part of the South Atlantic and the western part of the South Pacific. February was cooler than average in the tropical central and northeastern Pacific and in a region off the coast of West Antarctica. La Niña conditions continued to weaken. February what is the difference between a cable and a wire? temperatures were also below average in much of the Indian Ocean, off eastern Australia and in the Labrador Sea.
Mild also in Europe
February temperatures rose above the 1991–2020 average in germany cell number most European regions. Above-average temperatures were recorded in northern Norway and Sweden, in northwestern Russia in the areas around the Kara Sea and in the Svalbard region.
The United Kingdom recorded its fifth mildest February since records began in 1884. In contrast, February temperatures in the Iberian Peninsula, Turkey, parts of the Caucasus and northern Italy were below the 1991-2020 average.
On average across Europe, February was 1.2 °C above the 1991-2020 average. However, it is not among the ten mildest February months in the Copernicus dataset since 1979. Compared to the record February of 1990, February 2023 was 2.75 °C cooler.