record snowfall 17 years ago

Less viscous high fog
Today, the air coming from the north was a little less humid, so the high fog dissipated almost everywhere by the afternoon. However, a cloudy base layer remained in the Central Plateau. Thanks to more sun, temperatures also rose to 8 to 10 degrees in the eastern Central Plateau by the afternoon.

Sunshine duration today, March 4, 2023, until 16 UTC. Today the sun shone once again throughout Switzerland.
Sunshine duration today, March 4, 2023, until 16 UTC. Today the sun once again shone throughout Switzerland. (MeteoSwiss)
Next week gradually westerly position
From Monday onwards, the weather situation will change fundamentally, with a westerly position gradually setting in. This will allow moister air from the Atlantic to push its way to the northern side of the Alps, meaning that heavy rainfall is expected for the first time in a long time.

Forecasted 72-hour precipitation amounts


[mm] according to the ECMWF (European Model) between Wednesday, 0 UTC and Saturday, 0 UTC. Particularly in the western parts of the country, quite significant amounts of precipitation are expected.
Forecasted 72-hour precipitation amounts [mm] according to the ECMWF (European Model) between Wednesday, 0 UTC and Saturday, 0 UTC. Significant amounts of precipitation are expected, particularly in the western parts of the country. (MeteoSwiss)
Westerly positions are the most common weather conditions in the Alpine region
If you examine the wind conditions in the free atmosphere at 500 hPa, it becomes clear that westerly winds are clearly the most common wind direction. This is also the case in all seasons. In addition to westerly winds, saudi arabia phone number library northwest and southwest winds are also common, and northerly winds are much less common. All other wind directions are relatively rare, especially easterly and southeasterly winds. In the years 1961-2010, westerly winds occurred on a total of 6,000 days, easterly winds only accounted for 400 days and southeasterly winds for about 300 days.

In the years 1961-2010, westerly winds clearly dominated in Switzerland at 500 hPa (approx. 5500 meters above sea level). They occurred on a total of around 6000 days during this period.
In the years 1961-2010, westerly winds clearly dominated in Switzerland at 500 hPa (approx. 5500 meters above sea level). They occurred on a total of around 6000 days during this period. (MeteoSwiss)

The Bise is significantly less frequent in the eastern midlands than the westerly wind

The Bise is known to be a northeast to east wind. If you the boiler implements the principle of lower combustion add up the cases of upper-level wind directions at 500 hPa from the northeast and east, you get just over 1000 days in the years 1961-2010 on which these upper-level wind directions were dominant. West winds come in – as already mentioned – on 6000 days. germany cell number This would give a ratio of 6:1

If we assume that the surface and upper-level wind directions are the same, we can assume that westerly winds will prevail in the Central Plateau, clearly above the Bise. This assumption is confirmed for the eastern Central Plateau, although not nearly as extreme as the upper-level winds would suggest.

Wind rose in Kloten in the years 1993-2002. The wind direction (numbers in a circle) is given in degrees. 180 degrees means southerly wind, 270 degrees westerly wind, etc. The vertical numbers mean the frequency in percent. The colors indicate the wind strengths, see legend on the right. The westerly winds – in Kloten usually coming from 240 to 250 degrees – are significantly more frequent than the bise (usually 10 to 80 degrees). Northwest and southeast winds are even rarer.
Wind rose in Kloten in the years 1993-2002. The wind direction (numbers in a circle) is given in degrees. 180 degrees means southerly wind, 270 degrees westerly wind, etc. The vertical numbers mean the frequency in percent. The colors indicate the wind strengths, see legend on the right. The westerly winds – in Kloten usually coming from 240 to 250 degrees – are significantly more common than the bise (usually 10 to 80 degrees). Northwest and southeast winds are even rarer.

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