Tag: executive data

Can You Get Good Traffic From Pinterest to Your Blog

Have you seen the guides and studies that promise a massive amount of traffic from Pinterest to any website? Inspired, I decided to get some traffic from Pinterest to Ahrefs blog. Yet, there was a tiny problem… I knew nothing about Pinterest marketing. So I asked Google “How can I get traffic from Pinterest?” Google […]

How to Comply With ADA & WCAG

As the new Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) go live this month, a new light is being shined on website accessibility. But in honesty, this is something almost no SEOs think about! Ensuring your website is accessible to everyone may not be a direct ranking factor. Still, if you’re driving traffic to a website and […]

Best Free Online Courses

In this post you will find a Best Free Online compilation of what I consider the best free online courses with certificate. These are courses that, although they are free, are of high quality and help you lay the groundwork and have a general idea before launching into any paid training. Because yes… I’m sorry […]

What is a growth mindset and how to develop it

The growth mindset consists of the human ability. To see in every challenge the opportunity to grow and improve . Therefore, Privileged people who have this perception. Believe in self-effort, continuous study. And the importance of acquiring new knowledge. The rival of the growth mindset is the fixed mindset. As its name indicates, people with […]