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You just have to acquire knowlge. If you know a lot and if you can regularly demonstrate that you know a lot with blog articles then over time you will also be perceiv as an authority. And the nice thing is that if you read five books then you just know more about it than 95 percent of humanity and then you re already a certain authority for a certain target group. And I always think that s so beautiful that means you can slowly become an authority everyone can slowly become an authority. Gordon And that s also an extremely important thing I think if you dear listener are feeling right now oh damn I m not an authority on my field yet but I d like to should I shut down the blog.

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No of course not just keep going Vladislav Exactly it s important not to stop. Reading five books won t make you an authority in the long run but it s good to start with. You have to make 20 or 30 books out of it. Gordon But that s one Portugal B2B List of those things I think you have to stay curious. Vladislav That s right. Gordon Never stop seeking knowlge and that s why I don t think you can become an authority in an area that you don t care about or where you think there s a quick buck in there or something. Vladislav I agree with you to be curious that s really an important point. Simply to remain an authority permanently and to increase one s authority even more.

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Gordon And when you start writing a blog article dear listener and you get a certain kind of feback feback that you may not yet be able to answer then you have to look for the answer. It doesn t matter at all if someone asks you DV Leads something in the comments and you can t answer it. The point is then you have to search because you have to fill that gap. And that s what I mean by staying curious always looking for knowlge and then becoming an authority in one area is actually unavoidable.

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