The difference between content marketing and content strategy

Thinking of taking care of a content strategy by yourself is possible. But it is not advisable. To achieve these four points effectively requires experience.
Comon focuses its value precisely on this concept: the experience in contact with the customer and with the world of those who make. Live and explore the internet every day. We still have a lot to tell you. The limit of an article on the blog is not enough. Contact us to find out what we have in mind to give your company a strong. Captivating and winning online presence .
let’s look to the year ahead. Even in 2020. Thanks to the long time spent at home. The difference between Content continues to be the main ingredient of successful content marketing strategies .

But here we must immediately make a first distinction

What is the difference between content strategy and content marketing? Surely the two terms have in common the fact that they are abused and overused by web agencies and communication agencies . But let’s clarify. Content marketing is the single part of a more complex strategy. Which can include much more than content.
To work. Content marketing needs a cyprus phone number library content strategy . But content strategy can work without content marketing. Okay. It makes your head spin. But it’s easy to understand: not all content strategies have sales as their ultimate goal .

Here we come to another important concept

Today we are in the mood for explanations. Be patient. Later we will get to the heart of the matter. But for now follow us for a moment in the definition of content strategy .
Content strategy is a business project that involves the dissemination of content online and offline to achieve specific business objectives . Listen to 5 custom sales email templates that get responses those pompous words. The difference between “business objectives”. Simple and effective translation: through your blog you can achieve results. Depending on your priorities as a company: involving users. Informing about new products. Winning back old customers. Positioning yourself with respect to the competition. Or. Drum roll. Do content marketing . And here the circle closes. Using content as a marketing and sales tool . Focusing on conversion and revenue . Rather than traffic .

Visits and sessions

What we at comon can assure you is the agent email list fact that from an economic point.  of view it is absolutely certain that brands with a blog have a positive return on investment (roi) compared to brands without relevant content . Obviously the contents must be reasoned and thought through in two ways: strictly linked to the target and perfectly adhering to the purpose of the brand.
Please don’t throw out blog posts that are pointless. It breaks our hearts. Below we explain how to do it.

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