Contents as Diverse as the Objectives

Increase your success with distance selling Are you ready to boost your SME’s digital sales? Watch our webinar to learn more about the three secrets behind our sales team’s success and how you can emulate this approach within your own company. Read in this report how more than 2500 small and mium-siz companies are making it through the pandemic by, among other things, using sales to create more trust and better relationships and thus be more successful in sales. 27/08/2021 BY SALESFORCE NETHERLANDS What we do to achieve equality IN EQUALITY , COMPANY , CORPORATE CULTURE , SALESFORCE OHANA , HR What we do to achieve equality Don’t want to miss anything? Sign up for our online newsletter and stay inform of the latest content.

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Unfortunately, equality is still not self-evident. As a society, we are taking steps in the right direction, but there is still a long way to go to eradicate inequality. Recent research even shows that inequality in the Netherlands starts in the cradle . We believe that achieving more equality is a responsibility of all of us, so we as a company Brazil Phone Number List are actively involv. How do we do this in the Netherlands? Be inspir by our initiatives that promote equality: Collaboration with TechGrounds: equal opportunities in the labor market In the Netherlands, we work with TechGrounds to train people from vulnerable neighborhoods with diverse backgrounds.

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We focus on teaching digital skills to offer this group of people an equal job opportunity in an increasingly digital world. With this, we also want to narrow the gap in digital skills in the Netherlands a little while increasing diversity in DV Leads the tech sector. Equal pay Equality is also about equal pay . In doing so, we not only look at closing the pay gap between men and women, but also at equality between people with the same position and a comparable background. In March 2020, we examin the remuneration of all our employees. This show that 7% of employees ne and receiv an adjustment in salary.

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