Use micro-influencers in your campaigns

My main topic on social media is lifestyle, plant-based food, and a healthy lifestyle. However, I share what I’m experiencing right now. It’s often recipes, sports, yoga, but also current topics.

Do you remember what your first collaboration was and how many followers it came with?

I remember it was a barter collaboration with a new cosmetics brand, where I tried the products and shared my experiences in a bc data china YouTube video. I had about five thousand subscribers.

You are more of a micro-influencer, you have 7.3k followers on Instagram and even 19.7k subscribers on your YouTube channel.

Why do you think it’s great to have a micro-influencer in a campaign?

With micro-influencers, we can literally talk about a community that listens to the opinions and recommendations of the influencer. I think that this can create campaigns with overlap.

For example, when I collaborate the ideal collaboration between all parties with a Czech brand that has local products. I often know the team that creates the brand with heart personally and it gives me incredible joy to support brand awareness.

Or when followers write to me that thanks to me they tried a plant-based recipe or went to a vegan restaurant despite eating conventionally.

What advantages do you, micro-influencers, have over macro-influencers?

For me, it’s definitely the more personal and individual approach of us micro-influencers. We share our topics with a smaller group of followers, we know them and usually have more space to communicate with them and maintain regular contact.

I create authentic and honest facebook users content where I don’t play games. I reveal both my strengths and weaknesses to my followers, in many areas. I communicate with them often and I am interested in their opinion.

As part of a partnership, I would not recommend anything that I would not use myself without cooperation. At the same time, our planet is no stranger to me and I follow a holistic approach, so collaboration must always have added value for both me and my followers.

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