Entrepreneurs I Know Use This Wild

No more timers and artificial deadlines If there is no classic open cart and clos cart I no longer ne timers and artificial deadlines. Woo hoo  Always hat her anyway “The doors to my program are only open for two more hours. Book now quickly.” I don t want to send any more emails like this in the future. No more time pressure for me And finally the whole thing is much more relax for me. Putting pressure on other people even if it s just by email naturally put pressure on myself too. No wonder I so often felt drain and exhaust after launches. Opening the doors to my mastermind three months before the start feels wonderfully relax and mindful. I don t have to be fit in time for a webinar but now have three months to talk about my mastermind on the blog and newsletter.

Garlic Tactic And That Successfully

This is how marketing works without social mia How I want to get participants for my mastermind With the right mindset First of all as always I will start on the inside. Because there is this stubborn belief in me that I can t be successful Singapore Phone Number List if I act ethically… Crazy right I guess that s Soviet era thinking where anyone who want to be successful had to do crook things and bribe someone. I wish that was a joke. Away with it. I can be an ethical person and make enough sales to have a good life. Much better. I now write this sentence somewhere ten times a day until the last cell in my body has understood that it is so.

Phone Number List

Time I Don T Want to Have to Sleep

Ask existing customers Everyone always wants new more customers… But let s start with the people who are already with us Before I start a new mastermind round I always ask the current customers if they would like to do another DV Leads round with me. And yes almost always there are participants who extend their stay. Sometimes even more than 50 . waiting lists Until I know exactly when I can and want to offer a program next time I offer people the opportunity to put themselves on waiting lists. I would like to keep it that way in the future.

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