One of the reasons I was excited to test the Samsung Galaxy Ring was that I assumed it would be a more accurate sleep tracker than my smartwatch. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. My smartwatch is terrible at tracking sleep and tends to underestimate the quality of my sleep. As a result, it often gives me a sleep score that sometimes doesn’t reflect how rested or tired I feel when I wake up.
To my surprise, the Galaxy We all need
Ring wasn’t accurate either and tended to greatly overestimate the quality of my sleep. For example, on the night of December 31, 2024, I had a really bad night of knee pain that made it difficult to fall asleep. The pain also prevented rcs database me from getting into deep sleep. So I woke up earlier than I would have liked and felt very tired. I was surprised to see that the Galaxy Ring said I had an excellent sleep score of 90. My smartwatch, on the other hand, said I had a poor score of 35. Wow, that’s a big difference! Unfortunately, the Galaxy Ring was very wrong and did not reflect my reality in any way. I noticed a tendency to overestimate my sleep quality every night. Luckily, there were no other nights with such a huge difference in sleep quality scores.
Sleep tracking isn’t very accurate
While sleep tracking isn’t precise, the way the data is presented is visual, easy to follow, and easy to understand. For each night, you get not the concept of subscriptions only your sleep score, but also how much time your body spent in each sleep stage, as well as your blood oxygen levels during sleep, skin temperature, heart rate, and breathing rate. The consistency of your sleep is also measured, and you get helpful tips on how to improve your sleep quality.
The oxygen level in your blood is also measured while you sleep
Unfortunately, the tendency to overestimate things was also true for step tracking. The Samsung Galaxy Ring reported that I was tg phone list taking more steps than I actually took each day. Since I was using crutches, I wasn’t moving as much as I used to. On most days, my smartwatch showed that I had taken around 2,800 steps.