Apart from all these questions, don’t dismiss the technical details that have already been discussed in this article. brainstorming In brainstorming it is not discarded. Among those collected, there are always some that are fundamental in the creation of the visual identity manual. Having the ideas gathered, it is possible to create the first draft of the visual identity. Here is where creativity comes into play. However, keep in mind a few factors: Don’t brainstorm when the team is tired. It is important to find the right time and this can be defined in agreement with the whole team. Finally, anticipate the objectives of the meeting, so that everyone participates in a committed way in the function of creating.

Consider all ideas. Define your audience The first and important step in creating a visual identity is to define your audience. Think you need to know who to talk to, so you should know how you’re going to talk. Think about who you would like to identify with your brand. Walk through questions of age, gender, location, income, profession, among other questions. In addition, another tip is to seek to know the audience of your competitors on social networks. This action will help you discover more about your audience through the comments they make and the posts they like or share. Find your brand personality You’ve gone through the task of understanding your audience, the next step is figuring out how to present your brand’s personality visually. Attracting the customer in digital format differs a lot from word-of-mouth dialogue, which is an easier way to convince.

On the other hand, the visual identity has a much greater reach. design your logo Even if big brands and companies have a logo, its meaning is linked to all other elements of the visual identity. By developing your identity, your target audience starts to link the brand to your logo and, in this way, transfers perceptions about your brand to them. Note that this is a gradual process that is not just about drawing a symbol or spelling a name. Hint: follow the simplification trend. That is, bet on logo designs in a simpler way, just like Mastercard did. Look for the right typography To do this, limit the number of typefaces to two, maximum three. Look for specific purposes like title, subtitle, body. Google Fonts have been increasingly explored when it comes to typography.

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