Adjust your visibility using an editorial line

Performance indicators are to your digital strategy what roundabouts are to the road (roundabout for purists). They allow you, at a certain point on your route, to explore the possibilities available to you, to gain information on what has already been done and what remains to be done to reach the destination, the ‘objective. Indicators or KPIs, for Key Performance Indicators, also allow you to turn around if you are wrong. Provided you listen to them and don’t act like a mule. It is up to you to distribute the number of roundabouts required on your route.

A certain number of indicators can be used to

By taking into account these different indicators, you will better know the people interested in your offers, which has several advantages. Indeed, it helps to better identify your prospects and gain relevance in your sales pitch.

Analyzing these indicators should also affect the Argentina Phone Number List way you present your offers to match the needs of your prospects and customers as closely as possible, or to identify new business opportunities.

audrey: thank you Natacha for this presentation for establishing a digital strategy in these turbulent times.

In your action plan, define your performance indicators. But beware, too many indicators means too many results, so there is no possibility of seeing one that stands out. Focus on those that make sense for your business and don’t go beyond 3 strong indicators.

 frequently asked questions on why building a digital strategy

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Start by taking stock of all your past actions to learn from them. Then take stock of the resources available to you and those you need to develop. Build a community of stakeholders to DV Leads  whom you present your action plan like an entrepreneur. And let’s go for the piloting! What do you need to start your digital strategy? The answer is based on 3 axes: a clear and measurable action plan, a community of stakeholders with clear missions, a good capacity to manage a project and to carry out certain tasks.


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