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My conclusion about Zoom Did I miss FB groups to go live Not at all. After 2.5 years of Corona people got us to Zoom and there was nobody who was overwhelm with the tool or end up in the wrong Zoom room. Another advantage of Zoom for live videos Less turnover. People are less distract than in FB groups. If someone was there in our zoom room they were there. A few people always go out towards the end but nothing compar to the constant coming and going on Facebook. uncomplicat. While third party tools were always necessary for Facebook Lives in order to go live in pairs or threes etc.

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Including Zoom someone can easily be brought in as a discussion participant in a Zoom webinar. Would I use Zoom again for the live events Definitely. Share recordings without social mia At the last online live event we upload record videos to the FB group… Now we us Elopage for the pre record videos or for the recordings Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone Number List of the live workshops . Elopage is actually a platform for online courses and memberships . However it is also possible to create free products there . And that s exactly what we did to bundle all videos clearly in one place. Plus we were able to schule the release of pre record videos and interviews to the minute.

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Which wouldn t work if we had upload the recordings to a website for example. My conclusion to Elopage Exactly 51 of the people who register for the online event have so far gotten the free Elopage product and thus access to DV Leads the pre record videos or recordings. Some of them had difficulties accessing the records Some did not find the product in their Elopage account. Others have had error messages with the videos. Technical support is therefore necessary when choosing Elopage. I don t know that kind of thing from FB groups. Would I use Elopage for the records again I guess so.

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