Build on solid foundations

Build your business online Lawyers do their best work through strong relationships and a positive word-of-mouth reputation. This observation has not changed much with the advent of the Internet. What has changed, however, is that new forms of digital communication have accelerated the means of building relationships and a lawyer’s reputation. It used to take a professional and business development lawyer 15 years. Today, by running your own blog, this can be accomplished in 2 or 3 years.

Post interesting articles Here are some tips to make your blog interesting

1. Develop your own strategy In itself, starting a blog is not a strategy. The strategic part comes from the goals you plan to achieve with the blog, what you include in it, and how you go about it. When you develop the strategy of your blog, take into account the following 4 points. What are your passions ?

When you care about your topic, it translates to the page Singapore Phone Number List and it will be easier for you to write. If other lawyers are building local and national reputations through blogging, why not you? What is your niche? Blogs whose target is too broad are difficult to market. Indeed, they have much more competition. Niches do not restrict your practice. They open doors. Niches lead to success.

Decide in which area you want to excel and be known

phone number list

What is your audience? Your customers ? Your potential customers? Their reference sources? What about the major groups that influence them? Mainstream and professional media, fellow bloggers,

association leaders, publishers, and conference coordinators DV Leads are all potential readers (and potential advocates). How do you measure the success of this blog? It’s not just about traffic and search engine results. Do you want to expand your network? Are you becoming a better lawyer? Do you want to build a reputation as a go-to lawyer in your niche and/or city? Are you attracting not only customers, but above all high-quality customers? 2. Build on solid foundations

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