It for digital marketing infographic

The concept of Kotler and Keller in the th ition assumes that effective marketing requires the use of a wide range of tools. These include: product, price, distribution, promotion, customer relations, brand management and channel management. To use these tools in accordance with Kotler and Keller’s concept, you should start by defining marketing goals and strategies. Then choose the right tools to support those goals and strategies. For example, if the goal is to increase sales, tools such as promotion, price and distribution can be us. In order to use these tools effectively, appropriate strategies and actions must be defin.

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For example, if you want to take advantage  of a promotion, you ne to determine what promotional activities will be most effective in achieving your goals. Next, you ne to define the budget and schule of promotional activities. After implementing phone number list marketing tools, you should monitor the results and make changes to the strategy if necessary. HOW TO USE KOTLER AND KELLER’S TH ITION CONCEPT TO CREATE EFFECTIVE MARKETING STRATEGIES Kotler and Keller’s th ition concept is widely us in marketing strategies. According to this concept, an effective marketing strategy should focus on four basic elements: value creation, target selection, strategy development, and program implementation.

Phone Number List

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Value creation is about determining what benefits a product or service offers to customers. This means that the company must understand the nes and expectations of customers in order to be able to create a product or service that meets their DV Leads expectations. Selecting goals involves determining what goals the company wants to achieve in terms of sales, image and customer loyalty. These goals should be measurable so that the effectiveness of the marketing strategy can be assess. Creating a strategy is about determining what marketing actions ne to be taken to achieve the set goals.

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