News and Magazine Websites

Usually used by a company or a business to provide information related to companies, employees, products, services and others.

Unlike the Ecommerce website, this website does not have an add to cart or payment button .

Because the creation of this website is intended so that customers can get information and contact companies or businesses directly.

This website is expected to change website visitors into customers or consumers.

On a business website, the website menu generally displays the home or homepage, the products or services offered, about the company and contact information.

Among the following types of websites are magazine websites. It displays articles and several media such as photos and videos that are informative and educational.

Usually the magazine website design is used for sites that display information, such as university and organization websites.

Website Blogs

Other types of websites are blogs which are Albania Mobile Number List almost similar to magazine websites, such as displaying articles, photos and videos which are updated regularly and consistently.

The difference is from a magazine website, a blog has a website design and the use of words on the website is more casual and is usually used by individuals.

However, nowadays blogs are also used in business or companies. By adding content according to their expertise to increase credibility.

In addition blogs usually

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provide material that can be shared on social media or through email promotions.

A landing page is a page on a website that is specifically used for marketing and contains content that encourages visitors to do certain things.

For example, web pages that display information about services or products. Generally at the end there will be an invitation to press the (buy) button or fill out a form.

Many companies or DV Leads businesses use this landing page as the main page on their website.

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