Technology to Better Meet the Needs

But during a crisis, you can’t react quickly at any cost. The strength, and the risk, is that AI can make prictions about people and their behavior at lightning spe and on a large scale. Society and the technology industry have learn the hard way that they are slow down if they don’t look at possible negative consequences. This can cause a lot of damage to the process. If you build AI right away in a responsible way, you can focus on making the world a better place. You don’t have to run after everything you’ve broken. Now more than ever, spend time on thoughtful, productive friction to ensure accuracy and fairness.

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This leads to a more complete, inclusive and safe product offering. And you prevent ethical problems that you later have to fix for a lot of money, which also puts your brand at risk. Next steps: stay actively involv in correct application of AI AI can perpetuate and magnify prejudices that have exist in our societies for centuries, but Senegal Phone Number List it can also empower communities and strengthen democracy . If we want to ensure that AI is us in a positive way in the world, everyone nes to understand how AI works and is us. We must also push employers, companies, ucational institutions and governments for AI that is fair and representative of all people and not just a small group.

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Organizations that place a high value on norms and values ​​and build an ethical culture are better able to develop and use AI in a safe, accurate and ethical way. Check out the ‘Responsible Creation of AI’ training on Trailhead, our free DV Leads online ucation platform . 03/08/2021 BY SALESFORCE NETHERLANDS Four basic principles for a great customer experience IN EVENTS , TRAILBLAZER STORY , THOUGHT LEADERSHIP Four basic principles for a great customer experience Don’t want to miss anything? Sign up for our online newsletter and stay inform of the latest content! During Salesforce Live: Benelux, some of our most innovative customers shar their experience, knowlge and advice.

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