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BY LISANNE SCHOEMAKER What is Natural Language Processing? IN IT , ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE , EINSTEIN What is Natural Language Processing? Don’t want to miss anything? Sign up for our online newsletter and stay inform of the latest content! The ability to communicate with (mobile) devices via digital assistants and voice control (‘Hey Google’) is becoming increasingly prominent in our daily lives. This is bas on technologies such as Natural Language Processing and Automat Speech Recognition.

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What are these and how do you apply them in your organization? The use of voice technology Research shows that 54% of customers say they use a voice assistant like Siri or Alexa to interact with a business. These percentages show that it is becoming increasingly important to pay attention to this development. But building apps with Georgia WhatsApp Number List speech technology requires new IT strategies and skills. Not surprising: unlike programming languages, spoken language can be interpret in several ways. Intonation, sentence structure and sound vary depending on the meaning, while a programming language should be construct as clearly and explicitly as possible. When developing a voice application, consider the add value of voice control. For example, is a ‘speech to text’ functionality important for salespeople or the customer experience.

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Salesforce research shows that 68% of IT managers believe that voice technologies will be an important part of their business processes within two years.” Learn about promising technologies such as AI and blockchain Read about trends in IT transformation and developments in system and data integration and mobile-first. Learn about DV Leads promising technologies such as AI and blockchain To implement speech technology, multiple platforms are us that make it possible to properly interpret natural language and process it into data that can be us by the computer. Data that is interpret with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) and with which prictions and recommendations can even be made. We map out three technologies: Automat Speech Recognition Natural Language Processing Natural Language Understanding.

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