7 Examples of Effective and Attractive Campaign Ideas for Business

What is an example of a good and attractive campaign for the target audience? For those of you who are just about to start a marketing campaign for a business… you may have encountered this confusion.

In fact, you can get campaign content ideas from anywhere. It can be from reading content on the internet, viewing other people’s posts, or by observing competitors’ accounts.

However, the problem is what kind of campaign can be interesting, engaging , and can provoke the audience to take the action you want.

So, for a solution to this problem, here’s Sasana Digital, which summarizes through several sources regarding various sample campaign ideas that you can follow to attract the attention of your target consumers!

Educational Campaigns


The first campaign idea is educational or informational in nature . This Australian Email Lists type of campaign contains content that seeks to provide an understanding to the audience about your business products or services.

This campaign example is perfect for you to choose if you want to increase customer brand awareness while driving sales.

To create this campaign , you can choose content types of procedures, tips and tricks , bullet points (the 5 best hotels in Bandung for example), and much more.

In addition, you can also add a CTA ( call to action ) in the post caption.

One of the educational campaigns on Instagram media, for example, is contained in the post by Alodokter below.

In the campaign , Alodokter shared tips for reducing hair loss. Do not forget to also provide a more detailed explanation in the caption section . Thus, the reader can understand better and the delivery of education can be more complete.


Promo Campaigns

Country Email List

Then, there is also a campaign promo . From its name, maybe you can already guess what the contents of this example campaign are.

Yes, this campaign contains promotional offer DV Leads content for the product or service that you have. People tend to be attracted by an attractive offer that can benefit them.

For example, you give a certain percentage discount, also a bonus for a certain number of purchases, or something like that.

This example is suitable for you to invite old and new customers.

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