Just Because It Works Am I Allowed

Working out loud I love the concept of working out loud. Working out loud simply means that I don t just work in a quiet little room but that I let people participate in my work and share knowlge. This can be a behind the scenes blog post like this one. Or a personal newsletter . Instead of pretending to be unapproachable and hiding developments or insights I openly tell the background story to my offers talk about my values thought processes and internal or external changes . That s not manipulation for me. That s visibility. This is knowlge sharing.

See It the Same Way Nobody

That s working out loud. online events From my point of view online events such as webinars workshops or congresses are not “manipulative” per se. As in classic launches they can of course be us as a strategy to initiate the open cart phase and get people into the funnel. But they can also just be a way to make visible what we know Spain Phone Number List and how we can help people with our offers. And I still think the latter is absolutely fine. An online event bas on the model “Here is what I know do and can do. And here is an opportunity to work with me.” is something completely different than “Here is what I know do and can do. And you now have five days to decide if you want to work with me.

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Wants to Be Manipulated

Otherwise next year again sorrynotsorry And if you make a decision within the next 15 minutes you will receive bonuses worth thirty thousand euros.” The first is visibility. The second is pressure. And psychological trickery. Storytelling on your website – How to build trust even without social mia June 10th This is a guest DV Leads article by Margot Maric. Margot is a storytelling coach and authentic marketing mentor. After more than 12 years in various marketing positions in international corporations she was f up and out of health with the higher faster further pair with louder glaring shrill.

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