Category: Phone Number List

The Typical Fomo Symptoms Fomo

What would my marketing look like if integrity was my most important value If you are still not clear what integrity means exactly then let me explain briefly Integrity means that what is important to us and what we do are in harmony with each other. Values ​​and actions… Beliefs and actions… Inside and outside […]

That Went Through the Roof After

A typical case of Prokrastibranding Prokrasti… what Well Prokrasti branding Deferring important tasks by keeping myself busy with mostly unnecessary design tasks. But alas there is more. Much more. Here is an overview of the most common types of procrastination among self employ people. Do you recognize yourself anywhere  Contents Prokrasti branding Procrastitooling procrastination tunnelling […]

The Camera on Facebook While

When you submit your site to Bing using Webmaster Tools you also automatically submit it to Yahoo. 4 Submit website to DuckDuckGo DuckDuckGo search engine DuckDuckGo is known as a search engine where the privacy of the searchers is maintain. DuckDuckGo does not track any data does not use cookies and does not store IP […]